“To sum up Greg Squire in one word…..’AMAZING!'”. The work he does for the children here in Hawke’s Bay is incredible. The children love him and we, as parents, all appreciate immensely what he does for them.”
Mrs. Nicci Sewell
The emphasis of the Young Emerging Artist programme Or-ches-trate is to train the young musician to become an experienced ensemble musician – teaching the musician to lead, to listen, and to move from individual players to one cohesive unit.
The programme incorporates challenging repertoire under the guidance of professional musicians, during which each student receives focused attention in small-group work such as masterclasses, orchestral ‘sectionals’, ensemble experiences, and performances.
The students involved in Orchestrate come from differing ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds. They share a common love of the arts and music – developing a work ethic, discipline and skill that will stay with them into their future careers.
For more information, please visit Or-ches-trate's official website.
William Tells All (William Tell Overture re-arranged for Or-ches-trate)